Mindpearl, award winning international contact centre outsourcer, was a proud sponsor of the Business News Breakfast event in Brisbane with Jamie Pherous, founder and managing director of Corporate Travel Management (ASX: CTD) on Wednesday 8 June 2016. Jamie founded ASX: CTD in 1994. Ever since, the company has been on the up, taking flight from its Brisbane headquarters to become the largest privately-owned travel management company in Australia. Jamie took to the stage and shared his experiences and the path for the company going forward. James is not only a seasoned traveller; he is also a seasoned expert in growth and development, risk management and technology. Over the past few years, his company has gained acquisitive speed, purchasing a number of major rivals in the US, Asia and Europe, en route to stamp its spot as the number one corporate travel business on the planet.
Check out this video interview with James Pherous:
About Corporate Travel Management (ASX: CTD)
Corporate Travel Management (CTM), which has just come off a record half-year buoyed by domestic and international growth, listed on the ASX just over five years ago and the company is now worth $1.5 billion.
CTM employs over 2000 staff who service more than 82 cities across 53 countries. With operations firmly rooted at their Brisbane headquarters, it has evolved into the largest privately-owned travel management enterprise in Australia. Visit their website to find out more: Corporate Travel Management.
About Business News Australia
Business News Australia is a leading provider of key business news and trends. It believes in cultivating and nurturing the nation’s business culture which is marked by their breaking news features, reports on business achievements and highlighting industry leaders challenging the status quo, regardless of the size of the institution. Visit their website to find out more: Business News Australia.