Mindpearl in conjunction with South Africa’s department of Trade and Industry and RL Daly, invite you to a business breakfast with the South African delegation
Are you affected by the Jackson Reforms and Fixed Costs?
Do you need to change your legal procurement processes or increase your Law Firm’s profitability?
Law firms in the UK increasingly turn to alternative legal service providers in offshore locations to find more efficient ways of handling their legal service requirements.
Consequently, South Africa has become a preferred Legal Process Outsourcing (LPO) Offshoring Destination as the country offers a uniquely competitive combination of commercial advantages in terms of talent, cost and location.
Join Mindpearl in conjunction with RL Daly and the South African Department of Trade and Industry on the 6th October, to find out how you can benefit from South Africa’s success as a legal outsourcing host.
Whether you are a legal practitioner searching for an innovative operating solutions or a General Counsel affected by balance sheet pressure, this event is not to be missed.
Interested in reading more about LPO in South Africa and the benefits of offshoring? Click Here for the 1st of our 3 part LPO Thought Leadership Series
SA House Business Breakfast
Date: 6 October 2015
Time: 08:00 – 11:00 (UTC+00:00)
Venue: South African High Commission Address: Trafalgar Square, London WC2N 5DP
RSVP: Please note, there are limited spaces available.
Email Tammy.Esquino@mindpearl.com to indicate your interest and to receive the official invite. Attendance free by invitation.
Confirm your attendance to this highly informative business breakfast TODAY! Deadline for all registrations: 30 September 2015